Network News

Falkirk Stadium – Charger Availability

Due to ongoing works at Falkirk Stadium charging hub, two AC chargers will be unavailable for the next 3 weeks up to and including the 10th of October 2023. This

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Edinburgh Charger Availability

The charge point owner has informed us that certain charging stations will be temporarily unavailable next week due to necessary remedial works. This effects the following locations and charge points:

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New Charger Announcement

We’re pleased to inform you about the addition of 12 new charge points to the ChargePlace Scotland network. These new installations aim to improve accessibility and convenience for our valued

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Hermiston Park and Ride

The rapid chargers at Hermiston Park and Ride will be inaccessible from 14th September until 18:00 on Friday 15th September, this will affect the following chargers: 61141 61142 61143 61144

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New Charger Announcement

We’re pleased to inform you about the addition of 19 new charge points to the ChargePlace Scotland network. These new installations aim to improve accessibility and convenience for our valued

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Clepington Road – Dundee

The hub located at Clepington Road in Dundee will be closed between the hours of 5pm on Tuesday 5th September and 2pm on Wednesday 6th September. 61611 61612 61613 61614

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