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The latest ChargePlace Scotland news – learn how our network operates and the ways we’re supporting Scotland’s EV drivers.

1st May 2024 – Tariff Update

The following charge point owners have taken the decision to introduce or update their charging tariff to ensure their charging estate can be maintained, remain accessible and financially sustainable. Allowing

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New Payment Provider

Update as of 4:30pm on 17/04/2024 – Revised Dates. As of the 22nd April we moved from our previous payment service provider GoCardless to Stripe, a platform designed to offer

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Glasgow City Council – On Street Charging

We are aware of a technical issue regarding the overstay fee charges applied on some on street charging units in Glasgow between the hours of 8pm and 8am. Upon our

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1st April – Tariff Update

The following charge point owners have taken the decision to introduce or update their charging tariff to ensure their charging estate can be maintained, remain accessible and financially sustainable. Allowing

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Bankhead Central, Glenrothes

We are currently aware of the unavailability of the charger located at Bankhead Central, Glenrothes. 50967 The charge point owner is aware of the issue and is working with the

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Stay Up to Date!

Charge with Peace of Mind: Scan the QR Code for helpful tips or call for 24/7 Support at ChargePlace Scotland Charging Stations! We have been working with host and owners

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