We’re pleased to inform you about the addition of 19 new charge points to the ChargePlace Scotland network. These new installations aim to improve accessibility and convenience for our valued users.

Charge point tariffs are applied by the charge point owner, find out more about our role at ChargePlace Scotland here.

61226Meeks Road, FK2 7ENFalkirk CouncilRapid£0.69 per kWh with a minimum charge of £5. Overstay fee of £20 applies after every 60 minutes
61225Meeks Road, FK2 7ENFalkirk CouncilSlow£0.48 per kW with a minimum charge of £5.
61224Meeks Road, FK2 7ENFalkirk CouncilSlow£0.48 per kW with a minimum charge of £5.
61223Meeks Road, FK2 7ENFalkirk CouncilSlow£0.48 per kW with a minimum charge of £5.
61221Meeks Road, FK2 7ENFalkirk CouncilSlow£0.48 per kW with a minimum charge of £5.
61217Meeks Road, FK2 7ENFalkirk CouncilSlow£0.48 per kW with a minimum charge of £5.
61216Meeks Road, FK2 7ENFalkirk CouncilSlow£0.48 per kW with a minimum charge of £5.
61220Meeks Road, FK2 7ENFalkirk CouncilSlow£0.48 per kW with a minimum charge of £5.
61227Meeks Road, FK2 7ENFalkirk CouncilSlow£0.48 per kW with a minimum charge of £5.
61222Meeks Road, FK2 7ENFalkirk CouncilSlow£0.48 per kW with a minimum charge of £5.
61219Meeks Road, FK2 7ENFalkirk CouncilSlow£0.48 per kW with a minimum charge of £5.
61218Meeks Road, FK2 7ENFalkirk CouncilSlow£0.48 per kW with a minimum charge of £5.
62039Meeks Road, FK2 7ENFalkirk CouncilSlow£0.48 per kW with a minimum charge of £5.
62040Meeks Road, FK2 7ENFalkirk CouncilRapid£0.69 per kWh with a minimum charge of £5. Overstay fee of £20 applies after every 60 minutes
62101Slamannan Road Car Park, FK1 5LFFalkirk CouncilSlow£0.48 per kW with a minimum charge of £5.
62105Foundry Loan East Car Park, FK5 4ANFalkirk CouncilRapid£0.69 per kWh with a minimum charge of £5. Overstay fee of £20 applies after every 60 minutes
62908Fluthers Car Park, KY15 4HJFife CouncilRapid£0.15 per kWh with a connection fee of £1.60
62358The Merrick Leisure Centre, DG8 6JQThe Merrick Leisure CentreSlow 
61799Skills Development Midfield, KY1 3NLFife Council  Slow£0.15 per kWh with a connection fee of £1.60