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Drivers KPIs

TitleDescriptionReporting PeriodTarget
Issuing RFID cardsRFID cards are issued to drivers within 14 working days of order.Monthly100%
Listing a newly commissioned Charge Point  Add newly commissioned Charge Points to the ChargePlace Scotland website within 48 hours, advising the date they become available to use.Monthly100%
Charge Point NotificationsNotify owners and drivers when the network changes (add/remove chargers) within 24 hours of the changeMonthly100%
Customer Service
TitleDescriptionReporting PeriodTarget
Enquiries/ complaints response handlingAll enquiries acknowledged within 30 minutes of when the request is logged and fully responded to within 20 working daysMonthly95%
Answering helpdesk callsAnswer a minimum of 95% of calls offered.Monthly95%
Operational Communications ResponseCommunications and social media enquiries to be acknowledged or replied by the Contractor within 2 hoursMonthly95%
Availability of support  Telephone help line available 24/7 including for text and social media responsesMonthly100%
Fault Management
TitleDescriptionReporting PeriodTarget
Timeliness of fault updatesAll fault tickets, open for longer than 48 hours to be flagged for escalation to owners and reported to Transport ScotlandMonthly100%

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